VLOOKUP: VLOOKUP is used to get the data for
a lookup value in the leftmost column of a section of your spreadsheet called
the table array on the base index_number (column number).
HLOOKUP: HLOOKUP is used to get the data for
a lookup value in the top most row of a section of your spreadsheet called the
table array on the base index_number (row number).
MATCH: This formula searches for a value in an array
and returns the relative position of that item
INDEX: This formula gets a value from a table on the
base of given row and column parameter.
INDIRECT: This formula returns the reference
to a cell or range on the base of its string parameter.
OFFSET: This formula returns a reference to
a range that is offset number of rows and columns.
CHOOSE: This formula gets a value from an
array list on the based on given parameter.
ADDRESS: This formula returns a cell address
in text format.
String/Text Functions
FIND: This formula returns a position of text or
character in a text. This is a case sensitive.
LEN: This formula returns the number of characters
(including space) of a text.
MID: This function returns a part of text or a
character form a text on the base of parameter.
SUBSTITUTE: This formula replaces the fully or
partially text with another text on the base parameter
TEXT: This formula returns a value converted to text
with a specified format on the base of parameter.
TEXTJOIN: This formula is used to combine 2
or more texts together separated by a delimiter as given in the parameter.
TRIM: This formula removes the leading and trailing
spaces from a text.
Date/Time Functions
DATE: This formula returns the create a date from
given parameter of year, month and day.
DATEVALUE: This formula converts the text
(should be in form of date) into a date.
EOMONTH: This formula calculates the last
day of the month after adding a specified number of months to a date as given
in the parameter.
NETWORKDAYS: This formula returns the number of
work days between 2 dates, excluding Saturday and Sunday and holidays.
NOW: This formula returns the current system date and time
TODAY: This formula returns the current system date
AVERAGEIF: This formula returns the average of
all numbers in a range of cells, on the base of given criteria in the
COUNTIF: This formula returns the number of
cells in a range on the base of given criteria in the parameter.
COUNTIFS: This formula returns the number of
cells in a range on the base of multiple criteria in the parameter.
SUMIF: This formula returns the total all numbers in a
range of cells on the base of given criteria in the parameter.
SUMIFS: This formula returns the total all
numbers in a range of cells on the base of multiple criteria in the parameter.
formula sum of multiplies the corresponding items in the arrays.
[Source: Pk-An Excel expart, Google search ]
আমাদের এই ওয়েব সাইট টি যদি ভাল লাগে এবং আপনি উপকৃত হন তাহলে আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত থাকতে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে যোগ দিন এবং আপনার সমস্যাটি শেয়ার করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে ।👇
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